Monday, December 1, 2008
James enjoys his 365th day!
Stephanie put together a wonderful birthday for little man. It had a baseball theme with hamburgers, hotdogs, and all the extra fixings for food. James really enjoyed attacking his birthday cake and tearing into the many gifts he received. Lots of friends from around the neighborhood came by to wish little man a happy birthday. Thanks everyone!

JD really seemed to enjoy his first Halloween night! The decorations around the neighborhood were great, the scary music was loud, and 100 or more kids were roaming around in all kinds of different costumes. We had a full house too with the grandparents, my dad, and our friend Alene sharing the moment with us. Good times! Here are some pictures of the little man's frog costume. We managed to trick or treat 4 houses or so.

Monday, November 3, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
assortment of random pictures
grandma evans comes to vist
Monday, August 18, 2008
james learns how to swim (kind of)
Stephanie took James to our local swim center for his first batch of swimming lessons. James had a great attitude and didn't cry or suck in water when submerged and pushed toward his momma. He does look pretty surprised though! Sorry it took so long for me to post the pictures. Big thanks to grandpa Ross and grandma Nikki for waking up super early and taking these shots!

Monday, July 28, 2008
big baby picture update!
Finally, some more pictures of James! This is HIS website right? Anyway, As you can see he is growing up way too fast and has already grown in two sharp little teeth. We went hiking for the first time this weekend and he really seemed to enjoy looking around at all the sights in the forest. Halfway through the excursion he cooled his legs and head off in the cool water of Percy Priest lake. Next time we will try taking the dog also...
Friday, July 25, 2008
More Time On the Lake!
We have been trying to spend as much time at the lake relaxing and trying to take the edge off the Tennessee heat that has been around this summer. James seems to really like bobbing around in the water in his big orange life jacket.
This second picture is me acting as ballast on the back of a second hand boat lift that Ross and I hauled probably six miles on the lake. I just showed up to do some afternoon fishing and I ended up getting dragged around the lake for almost three hours trying to keep the rear end of the boat lift in the water. We were only able to go 2-3 knots all the way home. Glad that we got it in before dark - whew!
Monday, July 21, 2008
James On The Lake
James finally went out boating! Grandpa Ross took the entire family out for a relaxing sunset cruise. Stephanie and I were enjoying looking at the lake side houses in Hendersonville and JD was infatuated with the docked JET SKIS. Oh yeah, he wants some for sure. I can tell.
Soon, the vibrations of the engine and the sunset put the little man to sleep.