Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Long Time, No Blog

Things are going great, we are exhausted, never seem to find time to upload photos and blog about anything. Here are some recent photos of Anna Claire and big brother James.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Spring has finally made its way to Tennessee so I decided to post some photos! Apparently James is just like his daddy and absolutely LOVES the outdoors. One of his first words was "outside" and now he repeats it with fervor when he thinks he might have a chance to go out to play.

James is learning how to brush Lucy! Someone has to take care of the girl!


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

closer to now - assorted pictures

Just a little bit of anything!

back in time - CHRISTMAS!

Sorry it took so long to get these posted up! Christmas was FANTASTIC! Little man got tons of cool stuff and was wild all morning long until he collapsed into a super long mid day nap. I smoked my free Vanderbilt turkey and Stephanie put together a great Christmas dinner. My mom visited for the holiday and we had a friend from our church visit for the afternoon. Good times! Stephanie made like 5 or 6 different desserts. I guess no one noticed that I was on a diet!

The grandparents took us all to the big Christmas celebration at the Gaylord OpryLand here in Nashville. We are sitting in front of a huge 30 foot plus Christmas tree:

Assorted pictures:

climbing training at an early age

If you know me at all you know I want JD climbing. Leave it to me to teach him bad things like how to do pull ups on the kitchen island towel bar. I think he got it! Suhweet!

back in time - thanksgiving!

Stephanie's dad and grandmother visited for Thanksgiving. We all had a great time and our meal was fantastic. We cheated a little, Stepahnie's grandmother brought a Greenberg Turkey and darn those birds sure are tasty. My smoked turkeys don't compare at all :(

**Also, I was was blessed with yet another mountain bike around this same time so I just felt like I should add a picture in this post :)

Monday, February 23, 2009


I have been *really* bad with the pictures, updates, and such. Well here is one everyone likes to laugh at. This was taken on January 5th soon after James busted out his tooth on the coffee table. He doesn't mind. In fact, he looks proud!